Sairub Diaba Wound Cleaner

SAIRUB Diaba Wound Cleaner is a medicated ayurvedic wound cleaner that is used for Sodhan (Purification) and to treat various types of external wounds and other skin problems for a speedy recovery and quick healing. This cream for diabetic wounds is made from natural ingredients and protects the skin from bacteria and infection. SAIRUB Diaba Wound Cleaner helps in the faster healing of wounds due to the presence of flavonoids, tannins, glycosides and alkaloids. This wound cleaner is cooling, anti-microbial, anti-bacterial and non-irritant, which is useful in cleaning, soothing and healing wounds.

Want to know about Diabetic Wounds / Ulcers

Price : 499.00

By applying Sairub Diaba Wound Cleaner first for purification and afterwards applying Sairub Diaba Wound Ointment for wounds we can heal DustaVrana (Cronic wounds) along with other wounds also.


According to Ayurveda its properties described in below shaloka:- “नारिकेरफलं शीतं दुर्जरं वस्तिशोधनम् |विष्टम्भि बृंहणं बल्यं वातपित्तास्रदाहनुत्” || Coconuttendsto“give moisture to the skinandhelpsinremovingflaky skin”. The “antibacterial properties prevent growth of unwantedbacteria & remove dead skin” thereby giving a fresh and clear glow.Coconut contains high content of “monolaurin & lauric acid” which helpsto kill bacteria, viruses, fungi & keeps infections at bay. It is full of nutrientslike “calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, vitamin C “etc. Coconut oilmanages skin problems like “dryness, itchiness, scars etc. as it is rich invitaminE&hasantimicrobial,antioxidantaswellasanti-inflammatoryproperties”.It removes dryness and helps in quick healing of scaly patches& helps to control excessive itching, promotes the healing process & helpsin skin regeneration due to its “Snigdha (oily), Ropan (healing)&Rasayana(rejuvenating)properties”.

Eucalyptusismostfamousforits Anti inflammatory properties which reduces redness & other inflammatoryconditions. Eucalyptusoil helpsinquickhealingofthewound,decreases. swelling and brings back the normal texture of the skin due to its “Ropan(healing) properties”. The major constituents of Eucalyptus leavesessential oils are 1, 8-cineol (49.07 to 83.59%) and α pinene (1.27 to26.35%). Its “Antibacterial properties” also protect the skin from infection.Ithasacoolingeffectonskin&reducespain &inflammation.

Turmericisknowntohavevariousmedicinal Properties. The “Curcumin” found in turmeric can help wounds heal by decreasing inflammation and oxidation. It also lowers the response of your body tocutaneous wounds.Turmeric contains antioxidants, antimicrobial, andanti-inflammatory components.Itisalsousedasamedicinein “providingrelieffrompain duetothe esenceofcurcumin”.

Oliveoil containsasubstanceknownas“Oleocanthal”which “inhibitsthe activity of pain mediators”. This reduces pain and inflammation in thebody.. It also contains “polyphenols, strong antioxidant property &vitamin A, D, E & K” which protect the skin from harmful ltravioletradiation&keeptheskinmoisturized.Itisusedto reduce“pain,skinrash,drynessandinflammationduetoitsanti-inflammatoryproperty”.

has “Anti-Inflammatory, Anti-Fungal, Antibacterial &AntisepticProperties”, which promote healing for minor cuts, scrapes & burns. It isalso hypoallergenic and packed with antioxidants, which helps reduce acnebreakouts and inflammation.It has an effective “healing property which isuse & treats wound healing, dry, tender & sensitive skin”. Its “soothing,refreshing and purifying effects help to heal and cleanse sensitive skin”without irritating any existing conditions. The antioxidants present in ithelp in wound contraction as well as closure. They also help in theformation of collagen & new skin cells. It reduces inflammation& pain atthe wound site & also reduces the risk of further infection due to its anti-inflammatory & antimicrobial properties. This promotes early healing ofthe wound & also reduces the itchiness and redness & provides a soothingeffecttotheskin.

Pudina has anti-inflammatory &anti-bacterial properties that help treat wound on the skin. Pudina contain a high amount of salicylic acid which acts as anti-acne& also acts as an effective skin cleanser. It is rich in phosphorus, calcium and vitamins like C, D, E, A& volatile oil which isbeneficial for managing skin problems such as sores, itching, scabs& haveantimicrobial & antioxidant properties that inhibit the growth of bacteria &prevents skin problems.

Thepowerfulanti-inflammatory,anti-bacterialandanti-fungal property of Mustard oil is help to cure infections, skin rashes & allergies. Itprevents dryness & itching of the skin and increases blood circulation.Mustard oil hasabout60%monounsaturatedfattyacids(42%erucicacidand12%oleicacid); it has about 21% polyunsaturated fats (6% the omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid and 15% the omega-6 linoleic acid), and it has about 12%saturated fats.Its anti-inflammatory properties are attributed to thepresenceofselenium.Themineral isknowntoreducepainand swelling.

A substance known as “Azadirachtin” present in Neem leaves lower theriskofparasiticwormsdueto“itsantihelminticproperty”.Itsuppresses the activity of parasites & helps in its removal from the body. Neem also has good “antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and anti oxidant properties that helps prevent cell damage& excellent wound healer that helps the body to rapidly create collagen fibers to close the wound.

Aloeverahasanti-inflammatorypropertywhichiseffectivein Wounds healing. The enzymes (Aloevera contains enzymes namely amylase, bradykinase, aliiase, alkalinephosphatase, peroxidase, catalase, cellulose, lipase, andcarboxypeptidase.)presentinAloeveraformsan antibacterialcoatingagainst bacteria. The anti-inflammatory &antibacterial properties of aloe vera reduces pain, skin rashes, dryness,roughness&theriskofinfectionsatthesiteofwound.

Ayurvedic properties of Kapoor are explained in the below shaloka: “कर्पूरः शीतलो वृष्यश्चक्षुष्यो लेखनो लघुः | सुरभिर्मधुरस्तिक्तः कफपित्तविषापहः” || Camphor has a wide variety of topical uses due to its antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties.Camphor acts as a counter-irritant as it first produces a feeling of warmth by increasing the blood flow & gives a soothing and cooling effect. It also helps reduce local area inflammation due to its healing nature.

Ayurvedic properties of Arand are explained in below shaloka:- "एरण्डयुग्मं मधुरमुष्णं गुरु विनाशयेत् |शूलशोथकटीबस्तिशिरःपीडोदरज्वरान्| ब्रध्नश्वासकफानाहकासकुष्ठाममारुतान्” || Castor oil has anti-inflammatory properties, which help to reduceswelling &puffiness.It has antiviral & antimicrobial properties &rich in Ricinoleic acid& monounsaturated fatty acid. Castor oil helps heal wounds by stimulating the growth of new tissue, reducing dryness &preventing the buildup of dead skin cells.

It have some polysaccharides such as diosgenin, gitogenin, tigogenin, &neotigogens. Saponins can produce steroidal effects which decrease inflammation in the body. Other active ingredient found in Methi is 4-hydroxyisoleucine. It has been reported that fenugreek releases anti-inflammatory substance into wound region and decreases inflammation.Flavonoids & triterpenoids in it promote the wound healing process because of its antimicrobial &antioxidant properties.

Directions for Use

Take a sufficient quantity of oil on cotton and gently apply on the wound or as per the need or as per your physician’s directions.

Safety Information

It is advised to keep this oil in a cool and dry place & away from direct sunlight.
Read the label carefully before use.

Keep all medicines out of reach of children